I don't have back garden. Fortunately, there's space where I can
put my plants. I put my Anthurium seedlings there.

I have Betels in my garden, Green (common Betel) and Red Betel.
Green Betel

Red Betel

Giant Sanseviera. It needs repotting, I guess.

Curry Leaf Tree. My wife used it in her rendang (Indonesian food).
You sure have a lot of seedlings... Good luck with them!
/Katarina (Roses and stuff)
How beautiful your plants are! Can't wait to see them in bloom. Isn't it fun to use your herbs in your own food? I see they have found a new species of bird in Indonesia. How wonderful and interesting.
Katarina: Thanks for visiting my blog. They are expensive plant in Indonesia currently.
Beckie: Yes, I've read about new species of bird in Indonesia, Zosterops sp.
many seedlings you have :) thank you for visiting my blog and commenting.
Good luck with your gardening and garden blogging :)
Greetings fro Poland,
Magnifique Bouture et semis !!!
Ton Giant Sanseviera est en pleine santé !
BravoA Bientot
Magnificent Cutting and sowing!!!
Your Giant Sanseviera is full of it santé!
A Bientot
Limited spaces can be a little challenging; I have a similar situation in my garden. The Red Betel leafs are beautiful
What a lot of seedling you have, I hope you will find a place in your new garden for all of them.
Mmmmmmm, I love Indonesian food!
Good luck in your new garden-look forward to seeing it in future blog posts.
That Giant Sanseviera is quite striking in form and colour. Of course its such a great plant in that its so easy to care for.
lovely baby on the photo! Thank you for the visit to my aloes. You know how to use the gel from your aloe - the old leaf, no need to spoil the plant. Aloe vera has been used so long that the origin of the plant is lost. It will be somewhere in Arabia. Your sansevieria looks like the one growing wild in the eastern side of South Africa. The long narrow one is called "mother-in-law's tongue". Your sansevieria looks very attractive. In our garden the make one leaf and a distance then one leaf. Your plant must be grown in a circle. I am goin to plant one in a pot.
It was nice to visit your blog.
Your description how to plant seeds is very well done.
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