Sunday, November 21, 2010

The condition of the garden after the evacuation

Not much left when I returned home.

One of them was a hen who left behind when my family evacuated. I am very thankful that my chicken was still alive.

Meanwhile, I found my starfruit tree flowering, the common bean plant is also growing and chilli plant which still bear fruits.

These are photos of the mount merapi 3 days before I evacuate my family to my friend's place.

Currently mount merapi can not be seen because clouds covered.


Adi said...

pa kabar pak,boleh tanya,berapa harga bibit zaitun?
salam kenal B K adi,karanganyar solo.
balas ke email saya
my web site:

Surya said...

@adi: maaf saya tidak punya bibit zaitun. terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke blog saya.