Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fig at Jogja Garden

Today is a shiny day. I found my fig fruit was ripen on the tree. I picked the fruit, washed, measured the weight and cut it into 4 pieces. I kept it in the refrigerator for a while. Eating a fresh fig from my own garden is something I am waiting for.

Ripen fig on the tree

My fig tree already gave me 2 fruits. The first was 4 days ago, and the second was this morning. They are still five on the tree. They don't ripen at the same time. So, I can still enjoy my figs in the next two weeks. The fruits took about 3-4 months to ripen. The first is 17 grams in weight and the second is 20 grams. Its taste is sweet. Delicious.....

My fig variety is Negronne, a large almost black fig with a very deep-red pulp. From ALABAMA A&M AND AUBURN UNIVERSITIES Fig Production Guide (w w w . a c e s a g . a u b u r n . e d u), I got the synonyms of this fig: Beer’s Black, Violette de Bordeaux.

I am waiting for the next ripen fig now.......


Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Mmmmmmmmm, very nice to eat feshly picked figs from your own garden. I have a fig too but so far no fruits.
Enjoy eating all those lovely dark figs!

Rusty in Miami said...

Congratulations it looks delicious

Unknown said...

mbok kulo nyuwun bibitipun......

HERVIN said...

hmmmmn its look like verry delicious......

salam kenal mas

yasuyassyash said...

aihh,, baru liat buah kayak gitu..
enak kah??

Helly Fauzi said...

Mas Surya ,
Saya suka koleksi - Tin ,Zaitun dan Delima hitam.

Boleh saya dapatkan bibit Zaitun ( Buah hitam atau varietas yang ada di Mas surya ).

Boleh saya dapt informasinya melalui E-mail :

Saya tunggu informasinya ya Mas , Saya di Jkarta Selatan

Salam hormat untuk Keluarga Di Jogja.



Salam kenl Mas mau ikut meramaikan tin di indonesia boleh kan pak kami mempunyai beberapa koleksi buah tin antara lain
>. Buah Tin / Ara Adriatik
>. Buah Tin / Ara Black Yordan
>. Buah Tin / Ara Black Ischia
>. Buah Tin / Ara Black Mission
>. Buah Tin / Ara Negronne
>. Buah Tin / Ara Fioronne di ruvo / fiorone de ruvo (Jumbo)
>. Buah Tin / Ara Panachee Striped Tiger
>. Buah Tin / Ara Green Yordan
>. Buah Tin / Ara Purple Yordan
>. Buah Tin / Ara White Genoa
>. Buah Tin / Ara Calimyrna
>. Buah Tin / Ara Syria
>. Buah Tin / Ara Yellow
>. Buah Tin / Ara Long Yellow
>. Buah Tin / Ara Adam
>. Buah Tin / Ara Flanders merah
>. Buah Tin / Ara Flanders lonjong
>. Buah Tin / Ara Brown Turkey
>. Buah Tin / Ara Super Jumbo
>. Buah Tin / Ara Red Turkey
>. Buah Tin / Ara Red Israel
>. Buah Tin / Ara Red Indonesia
>. Buah Tin / Ara Red Celeb
>. Buah Tin / Ara Red Libya
>. Buah Tin / Ara Red California
>. Buah Tin / Ara Conadria
>. Buah Tin / Ara Japan / jepang
Salam sukses selalu.

Celebrity Nursery:
Jl. A.R.Hakim no. 49 Surabaya
HP: 081.2300.9349


salam kenal
sukses selalu

Unknown said...

Koleksinya bagus" om